A quick update…

My travel to Sri Lanka still seems a long time away but I’ve started looking for flights and met some of the people, through Facebook, that I will be sharing this experience with. Starting to get more excited and nervous as time goes on. I only have 28 days left of my online campaign (link below) so if you wanted to donate something then this would be the ideal time!


A quick update…



I thought I should post my first blog. I have only just set up my campaign on Fundmytravel and so if you could give that a wee look it would be great! (https://www.fundmytravel.com/David-Kirk-1432899598/campaigns/Mental-Health-Volunteer-Placement-in-Sri-Lanka-1432899694/view)

Theres more to come, but at the moment I am still in the planning stages on both my travelling and some more fundrasing events!

Thanks again for your support!

